Brad’s Fuel Filtering Inc. (BFF) has been awarded a three-year contract in the amount of $216,250 per year, for the Pennslyvania Turnpike and PennDot. Every county and city and public agency in Pennslyvania can participate in this contract through the CoStars program. This is the fourth time the owner of Brad’s Fuel Filtering, Brad Bettencourt has won this contract but the first time since opening his own company in 2014.  The Commonwealth of PA has chosen BFF to filter, clean, chemically treat and maintain their fuel quality. BFF has been providing fuel filtration services through out the Mid-Atlantic Region for over three years. Brad’s filtration process results in no loss of fuel and is guaranteed to bring fuel back to life and meet D-975 ASTM fuel testing specifications. Brad’s Fuel Filtering offers fuel testing, free of charge. Brad Bettencourt founded the first fuel filtering company in the Mid-Atlantic in 1986. Brad has over 30 years of experience in the fuel filtering, tank cleaning industry. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Brad Bettencourt at (410) 834-5000 or email at [email protected]. Learn more at